Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Chronicling My Rapidly Devolving Mental State

1:38 PM - Hallucinated a case name that was nowhere on any of the 12 pages I was staring at.

2:45 PM - Escalating anger at my 8 hour final exam. Considering screaming "I hate everything!" at the top of my lungs. Restrain myself based on the fact that this is (shockingly) frowned upon in the library.

3:13 PM - Still at work, still haven't eaten. Beginning to consider slamming forehead into text books in an attempt at forced osmosis. 

3:16 PM - Momentary reflection on the fact that the weather has obviously chosen to mimic my mood today. Am pleased by this. Consider downing 4 advil in an attempt to make everything function better (that's a thing, right?). Discard idea because it involves going up to my locker, which may cause me to not return.

3:18 PM - Realize for the first time today that I managed to pick the only broken chair at this table. Become unreasonably irritated. Mentally curse out stupid, backstabbing, traitor chair that is set for a person much taller than myself.

3:20 PM - Gain back some semblance of sanity, realize that I just wasted 10 precious minutes in a sneaky hate spiral for no reason. Force self back to the preparation of horrid, tiny-print outline.

3:35 PM - See picture from Starbucks saying "Rekindle the joy." Immediately mentally respond with "No, that's no longer possible."

3:46 PM - Begin checking tumblrs to make sure I'm not the only one slowly losing my mind. Am reassured, but pissed off at self for successfully destroying what could have been 6 productive minutes. Secretly judge self to be a failure in this moment.

4:08 PM - Upon failure to find a case in the materials issued for class, develop the urge to throw things off desk while saying "Fuck this, and fuck that..." etc. Suppress urge upon finding all missing cases buried in the illogical, disorganized and nonsensical document. Continue silently cursing professor.

4:18 PM - Realize that I'm deeply technology challenged, because it took 10 full minutes to figure out how the hell to add a gif to this thing. Give up on blogging for the day.

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