Thursday, May 9, 2013

Law Prom!

Every year, literally hundreds of law schools around the country partake in an event known colloquially as "law prom." In reality it is the annual law school gala; an excuse for law students to get dressed up, cut loose and take ridiculous pictures.

Now to fully paint the picture (albeit way way later than I planned on writing this, due to a series of things), you have to understand that it is an absolute headache to find a place that our law school is even allowed to hold events anymore. We got kicked out of the venue an hour and a half early last year and the years prior, going back god knows how long. The reason? Someone got sloppy and literally punched a bartender. Dumb. So dumb. Supposedly we're adults and should be able to handle ourselves with only TWO drink tickets, right? Apparently not. To the relief of everyone involved, that did not happen this year. Was it because it was held several hours earlier and ended at 10 PM? Was it because the venue was upscale? Was it because stairs were involved? Who knows. It may have been the promise of an afterparty, along with the three drink tickets. Again, who knows. There was food, there were drinks (mine were all champagne). The food being quite good helped as well, I'm sure. The venue was actually really cool. Apparently it's a venue where they train and offer job placement to homeless and at-risk men, women, and youths. So, really, not only was it awesome, but they also do awesome social work, completely in keeping with our school's purported mission.

Unfortunately, the venue for the afterparty screwed up big time. Through no fault of the wonderful lady that organized everything, the venue not only decided to cut our reservation by 290 people (yeah, you read that right) without consulting anyone, but also proceeded to allow other people into the reserved section (as in quadruple booked the tables), and to try to turn away the members of our group at the door. It was re.dic.u.lous. The only way I could properly convey all of our frustration was to split up the word that way. 99.99% of us left almost immediately after getting in ( took an hour, if you were near the front of the line). Those that stayed for more than 10 minutes in that god-awfully run place were severely disillusioned by the experience. We all moved on to other places eventually, and were much happier for it.

My friends and I cabbed home (my home), and two of them crashed on my couch (don't worry, one couch pulls out into a comfy twin-sized bed). When we finally roused ourselves the following morning, I only got up to lock the door behind my pals, and then crashed again for like three hours.

My day of only excellent life choices following this late, exhausting, but lovely evening only continued after sleeping in rather late. I got up, drove to get Hawaiian food and a smoothie, and then proceeded to watch a bunch of Doctor Who. All excellent life choices.

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