I saw a video a little over a week ago that was one of the most terrifying/precious things I've ever seen. It's basically a six minute long video of a sloth hugging a housecat. During the first part, it almost looks like the sloth is near-strangling the cat, and then it gets cute and weird all in one. The sloth starts scratching the cat's head - much to the cat's delight - and then licks its ear. You heard me. The sloth licks the cat's ear. Creepy. But kind of cute. I'll include it below for your enjoyment.
Anyway, that incredibly long lead up is for my friend's birthday! Which shall be celebrated with the unveiling of a BABY SLOTH BEAR! So much winning!
UPDATE: I got potential food poisoning on Thursday night, it continued through all of Friday, spent Saturday recovering rather than seeing the baby sloth bear. It was sad. Upside? I got to eat tons of crawfish on Sunday, and then have a few margaritas with friends to celebrate Cinco de Mayo.
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