As I'm sure you all know (and are equally unhappy about), this past weekend was daylight savings time. For those of you who don't know how this works, basically once a year we turn our clocks forward an hour (i.e. 7 AM becomes 8 AM), and then, approximately 7 months later, we reverse it (the 8 AM we've gotten used to is then 7 AM). It's a tradition that harkens back to the days of yore, when the hour of waking was dictated by the hour the sun arose and work upon the fields could commence. Now, let's just forget for a second that most of modern society does not begin at the buttcrack of dawn, a significant portion of modern society does not consist of farmers. Also, there's this awesome invention called electricity. I don't know if you've heard of it, but it allows work to continue after the sun goes down. This is particularly useful for when the sun goes down at 4 PM during the winter. (Those of you in or close to the equator won't be able to relate to that particular phenomenon)
So, there we have it: an antiquated system that we still employ, somewhat nonsensically. To make matters worse, there are several states that have arbitrarily chosen not to follow this particular tradition. While I agree with their logic, it makes figuring out time zones far more complicated unnecessarily. I would blame the farmers for this mess, but I empathize with their plight and believe that part of the problem with the modern food economy is that there is a severe lack of small farmers - partially fed by outdated food subsidies and partially fed by the industrial agriculture phenomenon of the last 100 years - but that rant is for another time and another place.
My point is: daylight savings time is stupid, it makes me sleepy, and it makes me wake up to the joyous noise of my own voice proclaiming that "I hate everything." It's even worse when said asinine change in time arises precisely a week and a half before finals. Oh, and during the week where you have all the things due. DUM DUM DUM DUM DUM. (That is an intentional misspelling - I'm well aware that there is a silent "b" on the end of that.) Compound all this with the fact that I've repeatedly forgotten to purchase coffee for the last two weeks, and you have a situation where I'm more sleep deprived than normal and LACKING SUFFICIENT CAFFEINE. It's no bueno. On the upside, I had just enough coffee to make one last pot this morning. And discovered that I can park at school for $3 if I force two other students into my car. Winning? Sort of. It's a wash right now.
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