Monday, March 4, 2013

Law School Truths

No matter how many times someone will tell you that it's your arguments and how well they're constructed that matters, it's not always strictly true. At some point the playing field gets leveled in terms of how intelligent and well-written the arguments are. On the other hand, when you're standing in front of judges, being human and forced to say things people immediately break down into a few categories. There are those who are comfortable, maybe even bordering slightly on cocky, and speak with the fluidity, grace, and eloquence of a young Barack Obama. Others get an extreme sheen of flop sweat, speak increasingly quickly, breathe less and less, and turn the color of an overripe tomato. They are what you would call less-comfortable....or future transactional attorneys. Then there's the majority of people...who fall in between. They might get sweaty and word vomit a little, but they get through it, they make points. The persuasiveness is either there (because sometimes it is), or it isn't. That's the way reality rolls.

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