Wednesday, March 6, 2013

That Time of Year

No, not a holiday of any time. The time of year when you realize that finals are a mere two weeks away, you feel woefully unprepared (hah! I don't think anyone has ever gone into a law school final feeling 100% prepared.), and you have ALL the things to do at the same time. The way you can typically tell that it is fast approaching is mainly that the 1Ls stop scream-whispering so frequently in the lawbrary. They suddenly become as intently focused as a cheetah stalking its prey. The packs they so frequently wander and sit in begin to dissipate, until they eventually vanish altogether. But never fear, that happens only once the study period has begun. Jerks. Don't they understand that the rest of us have papers due before then? Or that we have actually difficult finals to study for? No, no they do not. They're still (mistakenly) under the impression that their Civil Procedure finals are going to be "the worst thing ever." Such is not the case. Any class that is 98% about how well you can read the text of a rule and apply it will not have an absurdly difficult final exam. Besides, if you haven't guessed by now, law school is mostly about how well you can write reasonable statements applying case law to a fictional set of facts. Sounds fun, right? NOPE.

Oh well, le sigh. According to sources, the 1Ls have already begun panicking and studying ferociously. I'm amenable to that, considering the two papers I have due in the next two weeks (both final papers), plus a meeting about my journal comment (which I need to do more work on), and two outlines I need to create. Oh, and a case that will be going to trial post-spring break. And judicial clerkship applications are due soonish. As are applications for a during-the-year job for next year. Because my to-do list is so short, I've added on researching bar prep courses, calling my future supervisor, beginning Rule 9 paperwork, looking into the MPRE (and potentially signing up for it), and hosting a mini St. Patrick's day potluck (because it's right before finals start...and otherwise I will honestly forget to eat).

The only truly awful part about all of this is that I very recently realized that I do not possess coffee at home. And am still working my body back to a normal sleep schedule, post weekend-in-canada. Gross. Such is law school. Anyway, this is short because it's time for me to go abuse some highlighters (of which I need to get more) by creating rainbow colored highlighting in my Natural Resources book. For those of you who think that is a stupid system for studying: (1) Don't judge me, it works for me, and (2) it's extremely helpful for people who will inherit my books eventually. Seriously. Just ask the girl who has my evidence book. Every time she gets to a page that I didn't quite get to, she says her brain asks why I have forsaken her. HAH!

Also, thanks to Illegalities for this:

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