Monday, March 18, 2013

Here we are again


Sleep deprived. Caffeinated. Just murdered some trees. Now have no money on my print quota. Desperately need a massage. Also desperately need to finish my laundry. Also desperately need to run the dishwasher. Also desperately need to gas up my car.

But here we go. We sally forth without regard for mental health, exhaustion, physical health, or general appearance.

I did, however, put makeup on for the first time in three days though. And I'm wearing pants. So that's like half-way to clothing. Not like the fants (fake pants: AKA leggings and/or yoga pants) that I've been wearing to the lawbrary.

After today I shall welcome vegetables back into my diet. I shall remember what it's like to sleep a normal amount of hours (read: more than 5), and I'll get started on my ungodly lengthy to-do list. And beach, there is a beach at the end of this. With two fantastical friends. And margaritas. And fish tacos. I just need to make it to Saturday.

Best of luck, my fellow law students in arms.

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