Studying, as we all are well aware by now, is the bane of the law student's life. There are, however, a few ways to make your hours spent buried under books, cranking out mediocre papers, and downing unhealthy quantities of caffeine feel more epic.
Chief among these methods is to listen to all of the John Williams directed music on the internets. All of it. Hear me? In addition to listening to all of the action inspired (and action-inspiring) music from Star Wars and all of the Indiana Jones movies, you also get E.T., Lincoln, War Horse, and a bunch of stuff that I had no idea the man had anything to do with. He is a legend. He is a machine. He's fantastic and will make even the crappiest paper churned out under the greatest amount of sleep deprivation humanly achievable feel like you're Beethoven writing the Moonlight Sonata.
Second is to paint your face like Braveheart and routinely run outside screaming that "They may take our lives, but they will never take our freedom!!!" Granted, this is wholly secondary choice to the John Williams music. Mainly because it will solidify your status as the campus crazy person. Unless you're at some liberal, hippie school....which would not be most law schools.
Lastly, you can always try taking exercise breaks in the lawbrary. Either dancing to some form of insanely catchy music or doing yoga in the middle of the walkway. Just don't make noise. Silent dance party!!!
My method is method no. 1, combined with some epic nail polish (currently teal with a glitter's weird and I love it.). Law school is a little like being in private school where they wear uniforms. You use your accessories and makeup/hair (or lack thereof) to distinguish you and remind you that you're not just another brick in the wall, to quote Pink Floyd.
Back to papers and John Williams. Ciao, mi amici!
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