Wednesday, January 30, 2013


When you get a grand total of a true 1 hour break all day, you tend to try to take advantage of that. I do this by means of speaking with people about things that don't make me feel like I'm losing my mind constantly. Other people do more productive things. But, when you wake up < 30 minutes before you need to leave, have to shower, and have to get a bunch of shit together, it's bad news bears. I ran out of the house and left my headphones (problematic for going on a short run), left a change of clothes - so sweatiness....ew, and didn't eat food. So, food ended up being like a half cup of oatmeal from the cafe. At lunch I ran and got real food. Still have nothing for dinner, but I'll worry about that when I get to that. The point is, that in all my running around and meeting with people and working on things, and downing coffee and green tea, I neglected to leave 2 minutes to run to the bathroom. This is problematic when you only have one real break and don't want to miss class. Needless to say, I'm staring down the clock for the next 20 minutes and then bolting immediately. UGH.

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