Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Potentially Profound Thoughts

(Though, I ask you to humbly excuse my politics. It's fine if you disagree, and I may not be 100% informed on all the things. I'm not trying to start an opinion war, and it's totally cool if you have strong feelings....I just ask you to accept my opinion for what it is: the opinion of a single person - not fact, not the beginning of an argument. Thanks.)

1. I'm not against guns per se. There are just a lot of idiots in the world.

2. So many things in life can be related to Talladega Nights, Anchorman, Mean Girls, and Bridesmaids. But that's just my life.

3. Pretending to be an adult requires you to have a checkbook.

4. People failing to read things will be the downfall of civilization as we know it - not good 'ole maryjane, not gay marriage - lack of reading.

5. Most of American "news" could now more properly be categorized as propaganda, and if Animal Farm taught us nothing else, we should have learned that propaganda is a job for a pig. Hear that, Fox News? In the words of the French, "Cochon!"

6. I cannot remember what the point of this post was.

7. As much as I hate to admit it, lack of exercise is a self-destructive cycle.

8. Food is all the delicious things. Diet is learning how to control your intake of all the delicious things.

9. Counting yourself as an adult means some measure of controlling your finances.

10. Sleep is the best.

11. Living in a place where it rains all the time makes you stop caring whether or not the clothing you're wearing is waterproof. (Pro tip: waterproofing leather/suede does nothing when you're constantly walking in the rain.)

12. Shockingly, even for lawyers, honesty is the best policy. Caveat: not always the case in relationships (though, don't take my word for that...I only have marginally-functional ones).

13. tumblr blogs are going to take over the world. Along with cat pictures.

That's all I've got. I'm pretty sure that none of that was actually profound. Damn.

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