Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Modern medicine has not improved my state of affairs quite so much as I had hoped. And my computer charger being temperamental is not making things any better. My throat is so ungodly swollen/irritated. I swear to god, if I go to student health, which for the record is always the worst of all the things, and they swab me for strep, I will likely murder the non-doctor who does so. Also, I blame the drug acetamenophine (yeah, I know, the spelling is not good on that) almost entirely for my lack of recovery so far. Basically, this drug fucks rather severely with your liver (as if law school didn't do that enough to my liver as things stand already). You're not supposed to take it with alcohol - though, let's be honest, I can barely swallow things already, let alone things that burn even slightly - and you're not supposed to take it with other drugs that contain acetomenaphine (yep, trying all the spellings). The downside to this is that ALL of the cold/flu/sinus drugs contain acetamenophine. When you can't breathe to the point that neti pots actually are painful to attempt and result in writhing in pain/uncontrollable coughing that hurts like hell, your only OTC choice is (a) steam baths for your nose, (b) excessive/possibly abusive use of kleenex, and (c) tons of cold/flu/sinus drugs. I'm currently trying some weird combo of all three.

This probably means that I need to suck it up tomorrow and go to student health. On the upside: no feverish delirium! So, win?

Ugh, back to PR and breakfast and wanting to cry from lack of sleep due to lack of breathing.

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