Friday, February 1, 2013

An Open Letter to Friday Classes

Dear Friday Class,

I'm bad at this game. We both know that I have sacrificed my sanity, physical well being, and general enthusiasm for life over the course of the past several week days. We both know that by about 2 PM on Fridays, my brain has begun its shut down sequence for the weekend.

I know that part of being this thing called a "responsible adult" is sucking up my whining about how life is hard, and just facing it head on. I know that part of that is forcing myself to continue working even though I don't want to, and trying to digest information and apply it, even though my brain gave up an hour ago. So I continue on. Soldier ahead, as it were. I read words on pages, write things on my computer. Although, honestly, it turns into some sort of bizarre exercise in my ability to lack conscious thought or will and to still have the ability to accomplish tasks. In a strange way, it's rather fascinating. But that's not my point. At some moment in time, you begin questioning the logic of having class on Friday afternoons.

I mean, I'm clearly not taking much of this in, my contributions to the class discussion are questionable, at best, and the class as a whole appears to have slowed down markedly for the day. At the very least, can we agree that though intensive discussions on a Friday afternoon are not the best choices? I hope so. For your sake and ours. Lord knows that no relatively logical, relatively sane grad student wants to be throwing money into a class where they're neither contributing nor absorbing anything. And we have to assume that the professor teaching this doesn't want to waste his/her time. What I'm saying is, isn't there really better things for all of us to be doing? Like drooling over sushi, imagining fried potato-y things, musing about what we're actually supposed to accomplish in the next few days/months/years, or even just doing laundry. God. I really need to do laundry. And eat. real food. Friday Class, experiencing you during both a major sugar high and then the ensuing crash really doesn't benefit either of us. So, can this please stop being a thing?


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