There's this thing that you can do after your 2L year that is called, curiously enough, being a Rule 9. What this means, in a more practical sense, is that after finishing two full years worth of credits and coursework, you can be eligible (post a mini background check of sorts, and your employer signing off) to do actual client representation during your summer job, under the supervision of a barred attorney before you pass the bar. Sounds fun, right? The less fun part is that you have to disclose therein all of your parking and/or traffic infractions. As anyone who lives in a city can tell you - parking is a bitch. By which I mean, there is never enough of it, and there are tons of times where your meter runs out. It makes it even worse when the lot at school - which usually has abundant parking - costs an insane amount of money per day JUST BECAUSE IT'S A MONOPOLY. Seriously. On campus parking means that the school owns all of it. Means that bureaucracy says, "Charge all the monies!" This can sometimes lead to (when running egregiously late) parking without a permit, and then forgetting to move your car and get a permit when you have time. Which, of course, leads to getting a ticket, which costs an assload, and sadness, and having less money for food. It's a vicious cycle. Particularly for people that have the same laziness problems I do when it comes to walking places in the rain...or just walking places. My point is, it's both embarrassing and inconvenient to have to try and list every single one of the parking violations you've ever had.
I think this may have taken a left turn somewhere along the writing of it. Apologies. Anyway, my point is that (evidently) the MPRE exam is not a requirement in order to be accepted as a Rule 9 intern. Weird, right? You basically sign something saying that you read the Rules of Professional Conduct and will be supervised by someone and you're good to go. (Obviously there's more to it than that, but you catch my drift) It seems like there should be something more than just swearing that you're moral and aren't going to do something that is shady. Being the masochist that I am, I'm taking the super unnecessary MPRE. Yay for overachieving?
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