Monday, February 11, 2013

Yay, Adulthood!!! Round #4973

I'm dancing to classical music in the lawbrary.

I'm no longer capable of making myself solid food breakfasts, meaning that the only thing I wake up in time to make is a smoothie (zapping some shit together in a blender - total time: 3 minutes).

I haven't folded my clean clothes in over a week. (There's a legit pile on the floor of my closet)

I've resorted to wearing sports bras to school because clasps are hard.

I no longer wear shoes with laces because tying things is hard.

I didn't check the physical mail box all weekend because that would have required an extra stop (read: extra effort).

I just realized that I don't physically possess a writing implement that is not a neon highlighter.

The only logical choice for food that I can find at the moment is chicken strips and french fries.

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