Tuesday, February 19, 2013

It's 5'o'clock Somewhere

You guys may have heard/read/seen....whatever applies in this specific situation, since I'm still not sure...me mention that alcoholism is a fairly rampant problem in the legal world. I, personally, am not one of the storied personages who stealthily imbibes by means of sneaking in scotch in a travel coffee mug, but I have heard tell of those that do. (Holy anachronistic lexicon, Batman!) A delightful and lovely and bubbly barista (my favorite one, in fact) revealed that some of the law students get their morning coffee with a not-so-featherlight dose of bourbon - something that definitely would NOT assist my attention span at 8:30 AM and wouldn't help my running abilities at 10:30 AM. In her words, "Y'all are a bunch of alcoholics!" However, even for those who partake of the not so irregular irish coffee, there is a line that can be crossed. I imagine that there is such a line in any enclave of young adults in any city-like environment (or not a citylike environment, for that matter). Granted, it's a relative line, and it is almost certainly not the line that your doctor would recommend, but it exists nonetheless.

The fabulous Ryan O'Connell at Thought Catalog has a wonderfully tongue-in-cheek, pithy take on 15 Signs You Need To Stop Drinking So Much. He says it more eloquently than I could, but seriously kids (and not kids), every now and then do a little self-evaluation, and have close friends keep you in check. I firmly believe that anyone, given the right circumstances, can fall victim to crossing that very thin line between blowing off steam and being profoundly stupid. And I say this as a public defender as well. It can permanently screw up your life.

All that being said, I'm going to go pour myself a glass of wine. What? A glass of red wine lubricates my rods and cones for reading. Also, I was in court all day, in the presence of a judge who was in rare form, and all things going slightly haywire.

For the record, I'm just like any other 20-something. When I get stressed out, I tend to over spend on my drinks and food budget. I guess it could be worse. Now, to read/ amp myself up for a speedy run tomorrow...(as in under 1 hour). I predict that it'll feel something like this:

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