So, I posted basically nothing last week - and for good reason! I had 3 papers due last week, had to run to court to take care of clients, and scheduled two interviews for summer jobs. Finding a summer job, as I've previously stated, is the worst thing of all the things (aside from pulling all nighters, which just feels like being the living dead). I got a potential lead on a third. All things considered, I might actually be employable!!!! Holy god.
In terms of life tips/ ways that demonstrate (a) that I am conclusively my mother's daughter, and (b) sometimes I like to check out for about 24 hours, and (c) Top Gear IS productive, I spent a full day cleaning my apartment, doing laundry, and rearranging furniture. Dudes - if you think girls rearranging furniture on a relatively regular basis is weird, don't ever bring that up with a female significant other. It's a form of stress relief/ makes the whole apartment seem new when you can't afford or just can't afford the furniture/decorations you want.
On another note, Whole Foods' guacamole is ridiculously good. And the best tortilla chips I've ever had that did not arrive on my table at a restaurant come in a clear bag and are by a company called "Cabo Loco." So good.
OH DEAR GOD. I ran around like a madwoman all afternoon (after spending the whole day in court), and FORGOT contact solution. I know, I know, #firstworldproblems. Yes, I hate the hash tags as much as you do, but it is unfortunately appropriate here. Crap. Now for decision time. Either go get some contact solution now, or make my last pair of contacts last until next I go home and/or bribe my mother to send me more.
On the upside - SUNSHINE! It happened today.
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