Sunday, February 10, 2013

Dear Disrespectful Jerk

Dear Asshole,

While I do appreciate that not everyone in the world has things to do on Sunday, and that Saturday nights are prime party time for twenty-somethings, your basic lack of courtesy far surpassed my ability to forgive disrespectful bullshit. I don't know what possessed you to put on that godawful song (at least, I have to assume that in your mind it qualified as music) at 2:35 AM. Frankly, I don't care. What I do care about is that it woke me out of a dead sleep. Sleep that I desperately need as I enter one of the most hellish weeks of law school this far. I can appreciate the desire to party until you drop as much as the next person, but there is no logical way for me to forgive your actions. The fact that I could not only hear every verse of the "song" well enough to sing along, but could also hear every line of bass, drums and guitar (including some sorry excuse for a guitar solo in the middle) through CLOSED windows and WALLS created murderous impulses the likes of which I have never before felt. I could have forgiven you if you had only played it once, then realized your mistake and turned it down, but you didn't. No, you kept playing music that sounded like cats being tortured remixed into Skrillex and then fed through a wood chipper for a FUCKING HALF AN HOUR.

The worst part wasn't necessarily playing music too loud. It was that you were playing that lower-than-pond-scum attempt at music SO LOUD that I could hear it despite the fact that I'm fairly certain we don't live on the same floor of my building. Just FYI, there is a City Ordinance against doing precisely what you chose to do from 2:35-3:05 AM. It's called a noise violation. You get fined $100 for every single time it happens and someone formally complains. You know when I looked this up? LAST FUCKING NIGHT WHILE PICTURING YOUR HEAD EXPLODING, AS I WAS HAVING A RAGE STROKE. Just so you know, I fully intend to make use of my new knowledge of City ordinances, along with the non-emergency number for the police the next time it happens. I try to be a good neighbor - not make too much noise, not leave crap in common areas - but you have pushed a stressed out law student to her breaking point, and god help you if I find out who you are and where you live in my building, because you WILL be blamed for all future noises that wake me up unexpectedly. For your own sake, I hope you're not one of the people renting a unit in my building, because I'm sure your landlord doesn't want dozens of noise violations suddenly appearing. In fact, if you are renting, I'm fairly certain that your actions violate your rental agreement, rendering it null and void, and allowing you to be evicted.

A law student you should not have pissed off.

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